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Most Popular Questions

How do I sign up for Mavic One?

• Step 01

Go to one.mavicsoft.com

• Step 02

Click the sign up button.

• Step 03

Read Mavicsoft Privacy & Terms, If you agree, Click “I Agree”

• Step 04

To Create your Mavic One account you have to enter information such as your name, phone number or email address through the sign up process.

• Step 05

If you provided an email address while signing up, we will send you an email with instructions later so we can verify your email address.

• Step 06

If you provided a phone number while signing up, you will be received 8-digit verification code to verify your number. If you are asked to submit WhatsApp 3FA you will be received 8-digit 3FA verification code and you should connect Mavic WhatsApp verification center to verify your account.

• Step 07

After entering your information, click "Next" button.

I didn’t get OTP, How can I verify my account?

If you don’t get your OTP even after 3 attempts, make sure your entered phone number is a valid one or Please go to support.mavicsoft.com and submit a ticket or join with a live agent for further assistance.

How to add a phone number to my Mavic One Account?

Adding a phone number to your account is a great step toward a better Mavicsoft experience. If you’re thinking about adding your number, here are a few benefits:

• Keeping your account secure. With a phone number on your account, you’ll be able to enroll in security features like login verification.

• Faster account recovery. If you ever lose access to your account, having a phone number attached can make it easier for you to get back in to Twitter.

How can SSL certificate on my site?

When you purchase any paid plans from our cloud service, you will be received your SSL certificate free with free setup assistance and installation.

Where are your datacenters located? How can I request to change the datacenter?

Mavic Cloud offers high speed worldwide cloud network, enabling you to spin up and easily and scale a low latency infrastructure solution no matter where you may be! The datacenters are located in the USA, Asia and Europe.

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